"Rahasia Kasih"

You're it, showed me how beautiful life can be when I had given up hope. You're it, I live how I am. You are to me the closeness and security. You're there, I always daily energy. Thank you from my heart! or here ... I thank you for the wonderful hours ... I thank you for your openness ... I thank you for your confidence ... I thank Gov. .. I just thank you for everything! YOU are something very special in my life! I am glad that I've Register .. I Love You.....

Sonntag, 22. März 2009


Nggak nyangka anakku dah besar......sekarang lebih sensitif segalanya dan maunya serba sendiri, rumitnya lagi kalau mo pake baju dah mulai ribet milih ndiri mo make apa dan kalau di ajak shopping pasti deh nyokapnya kalah. Dan Patrick bilang dah bosen katanya di kindergarten pengen cepet-cepet ke school biar bisa berangkat sendiri naik bis jd mama nggak usah anter jemput kasihan capek he..he..he.....pinter neh sama nyokapnya ampe mikit gitu segala.

Kadang kalau lihat anak kecil Patrick bilang mama aku pengen punya adek baby tapi cewek ajah yach...?? lha aku ama papanya tanya knapa kok cewek lha kalau keluarnya cowok gimana? kata dia...kalau cewek kan punya mainan sendiri boneka lha kalau cowok entar dia rebut mainanku ha..ha..ha... weleh lha aku bilang kalau km punya adek ya km dah besar no nggak bakal mainan lagin jd nggak usah takut.

Gimana yach......pengennya seh hamil lagi yah lgian sumai ama Patrick dah ok mau nambah anggota keluarga lagi cuman....aku aja yg trauma ama jaman kehamilan Patrick dolo karena KO bener ampe keluar masuk RS tapi nggak tau deh nanti gimana kalau emang Tuhan kasih yach terima aja dan jadikan suatu berkata amien.


Donnerstag, 5. März 2009

Patrick ama Ferrari barunya

'' Patrick dan Mobil ferrarinya ''

Ini mobil Ferrari dapet dari papanya sepulang dr Shanghai...awalnya nggak bisa jalan karena adaptor yg buat baterenya nggak sama cop-copannya yg tiga biji.....makanya di toko elektronik sempet ngubak-ngubak setiap toko di masukin soalnya Patrick dah nggak sabar pengen cepet mainan.


my Angelo

Papanya juga gitu lupa kalau tiap negara tuh nggak sama colokan listriknya, lha untungnya dapet tuh adaptor disini kalau nggak kan payah nggak bisa buat mainan sama remotenya. Begitu dapet Patrick senengnya minta ampun trus bisa mainan.....tuh mobil Ferrari dan keliling seluruh ruangan viel spass mein scahtz.

'' Patrick lagi mainan Ferrari barunya ''


Sonntag, 1. März 2009

Today is our 6th Wedding Anniversary

~ Peter And Vivie ~

Who loves to live. You keep me alive!

Love is the most delicious dish:
Let's eat together!

You are my sunshine, you're my moon, I
wish day and night for you.

My heart is no longer just for me
should read: I love you.

Your love is like salt in the soup,
the spice of my life.

You are my greatest treasure,
for another is not the place.

You are my beautiful star, I thee
not just like: I love you!

Love is addictive, I'm depending on you.

I love thee not, in order to be loved,
but is shared love of the greatest treasure on earth.

Love is the most beautiful dress.

The love the freedom to leave
is better than just to hate jealousy.

Who hinterherjagt the love, it will never
achieve, who is waiting to start love.

It is the love of the world together.

Whenever we see
I must confess to you,
you're the only one / the only one for me:
I love you.

My love for you is so great and far as infinity.

Lonely class for zweisam Days: Love!
