"Rahasia Kasih"

You're it, showed me how beautiful life can be when I had given up hope. You're it, I live how I am. You are to me the closeness and security. You're there, I always daily energy. Thank you from my heart! or here ... I thank you for the wonderful hours ... I thank you for your openness ... I thank you for your confidence ... I thank Gov. .. I just thank you for everything! YOU are something very special in my life! I am glad that I've Register .. I Love You.....

Montag, 5. März 2007


Mande-mande mampir ke Kerawang udah dapet PeeR dari ibu cantik atu ini, daripade entar lupe mendingan kerjain sekarang aja deh......tapi jawabnya semampunya ya Dy....jadi kalau ada yang salah boleh di protes kok he..he..he..
1.Record that change your life
Sama kayak Dyah aku suka lagu2nya Frangky Sihombing, Edward chen, Vetri Kumaseh sama punyanya Herlin Pirena.
2.Records you've listened more than once
VCDnya aku waktu ngamen dulu ama Basuki sama lagu anak-anaknya Patrick.dari Playgroup
3.Records that you just don't understand
Lagu Mandarin sih..., karena cuma bisa nyanyi doang tapi artinya nggak ngerti banyak
4.Record that made you laugh
Kalau dengerin Patrick nyanyi lagunya mama sambil monyong bibirnya.
5.Records that made you cry Worship Song
Kalau pas dengerin lagu rohani yang menyentuh dan merasa di kuatkan dengan lagu tersebut pasti deh....bendungan mata tak tertahankan ngeluarin air mata.
6.Record that creeps the hell out of you
Tehno Music, Rock sama music yang nggak enak dan sakit di denger ditelinga
7.Record you wish had never been made
Music yang lyriknya mengunakan kata-kata kotor dan suka jiplak karya orang lain
8.Records that you've just listened
Lagunya Mariah carey, Whitney Houston sama Celine Dion
9.Record you've been meaning to buy (..or Steal)
Biasanya aku beli kalau aku suka banget.......tapi dengan catatan harga terjangkau
10.Nge-tag sapa yah.........???
Sunny day, Indah and Sherly (uk) ayuk-ayuk tolong di kerjain seluang waktunya Thanks sebelumnya.