"Rahasia Kasih"

You're it, showed me how beautiful life can be when I had given up hope. You're it, I live how I am. You are to me the closeness and security. You're there, I always daily energy. Thank you from my heart! or here ... I thank you for the wonderful hours ... I thank you for your openness ... I thank you for your confidence ... I thank Gov. .. I just thank you for everything! YOU are something very special in my life! I am glad that I've Register .. I Love You.....

Dienstag, 11. September 2007

kena Flu berat

Udah hampir 4 hari kena flu berat ampe sekarang belum baikan juga padahal dah minum beberapa obat dari obat Tradisional, obat Apotik sampai obat China tapi tetep aja nempel terus flunya, sampai kayak orang bisu dan ngomong mesti pakai bahasa isyarat karena suara abis sama sekali seperti abis nyinden semaleman.
Makanya maaf beribu maaf kalau belum bisa BW Friends abis tuan rumahnya lagi sakit berat bantu Doa aja supaya cepet baikan dan bisa terjun lagi ke Dunia perbloggeran yg antik dan unik.
