"Rahasia Kasih"

You're it, showed me how beautiful life can be when I had given up hope. You're it, I live how I am. You are to me the closeness and security. You're there, I always daily energy. Thank you from my heart! or here ... I thank you for the wonderful hours ... I thank you for your openness ... I thank you for your confidence ... I thank Gov. .. I just thank you for everything! YOU are something very special in my life! I am glad that I've Register .. I Love You.....

Samstag, 3. Februar 2007

dah balik....

Aku dah di rumah lagi sekitar jam 15.00, dari tempat Melani kira-kira jam 13.30 lumayan cepet karena Autobahn (jalan tol) kebetulan nggak rame. Banyak cerita menarik selama kita disana cuma entar aja masih capek mau istirohat dulu, karena banyak jalan-jalannya sama bergadang biasalah kalau cewek ketemu cewek yang rame nggak bakalan kekurangan tema cerita, kami mau ngucapin Met Weekend aja buat semua sahabat setia Blogger GBU.