"Rahasia Kasih"

You're it, showed me how beautiful life can be when I had given up hope. You're it, I live how I am. You are to me the closeness and security. You're there, I always daily energy. Thank you from my heart! or here ... I thank you for the wonderful hours ... I thank you for your openness ... I thank you for your confidence ... I thank Gov. .. I just thank you for everything! YOU are something very special in my life! I am glad that I've Register .. I Love You.....

Dienstag, 19. August 2008

Acara ultah hubby

Berhubung lagi males nulis makanya aku posting aja foto-fotonya aja yachh.......awas siapin handuk biar kagak ngeces dot com he..he..he...


4 Kommentare:

Am/um Dienstag, August 19, 2008 , Blogger nie meinte...

happy birthday buat suamimu yah Vie!

Am/um Dienstag, August 19, 2008 , Blogger Yanti Wyant meinte...

Yummyyyyyyy :)

Am/um Mittwoch, August 20, 2008 , Blogger fanvin meinte...

emang itu foto beneran bikin ngecesss :P

Am/um Mittwoch, August 20, 2008 , Blogger fanvin meinte...

lu emang jago vie, kalo bikin ngeces orang :)


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